Quote for the Week

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Belle Armoire Jewelry

I have a piece of jewelry published in the latest edition of Belle Armoir Jewelry.  Click the link  http://www.stampington.com/bellearmoirejewelry/   It's on page 120.  It was inspired by something my grandmother sent me when I was in high school, about  an elderly woman that passed by a cosmetics counter and the woman working the counter asked the older woman how she maintained her beautiful complexion.  She said for her eyes pity, her voice prayer, hands charity, heart love, figure uprighteousness and her lips truth, the supply refilled with continued use.  Anyway it made quite the impression on me, I just wish I lived up to it!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Another year gone by!

Okay, so another year has gone and I never posted to the blog until now...
Just finished a piece where I tried etching metal.  Worked great!  Only one piece I left in the solution too long and ate away most of the metal.