Quote for the Week

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Craft Fair

I know it's short notice, but doing a craft fair today at Harvest O. C. Cross streets Campus and Jamboree.  Here's my table, stop by if you're in the area!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Downtown Anaheim Art Crawl November 9

I will have a booth at the Art Crawl in downtown Anaheim on November 9 from 6pm to 10pm.  I've been working on some new things.  If you're in the area come on by!

Also, check out the latest issue of Haute Handbags.  I got a piece published!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

New items on Etsy

I just posted some cute little burlap cross body totes on my Etsy site.

Parent's 70th wedding anniversary

I meant to post this last week, on the actual day, but was quite busy with family and all.  I just thought I would post a picture as I KNOW this is rare...my parent's had their 70th anniversary on February 9.  Don't ask me the secret of their success, cynic that I am, I would say it's due to Mom's refusal to get a hearing aid..

Here's a picture.  Not bad for 90 and 88, still walking on their own.  Try and zoom in on the photo of the young newlyweds, they were quite cute!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Etsy Store finally has listings!

Well, I finally did it, I took the time to put items in my Etsy store. I'll be adding more over the weekend, including some items that are NOT jewelry! I've included a few pictures.