Dickenson (to Jefferson): Why do you refer to King George as a tyrant?
Jefferson: Because he is a tyrant.
Dickenson: I remind you, Mr Jefferson, that this tyrant is still your king.
Jefferson: When a king becomes a tyrant, he breaks the contract binding his subjects to him.
Dickenson: How so?
Jefferson: By taking away their rights.
Dickenson: Rights that came from him in the first place?
Jefferson: All except one. The right to be free comes from nature.
Dickenson: And are we not free, Mr. Jefferson?
Jefferson: Homes entered without warrant, citizens arrested without charge, and in many places, free assembly itself denied.
Dickenson: No one approves of such things, but these are dangerous times.
Jefferson: Those who give up some of their liberty in order to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty, nor safety.
With this day being a celebration of the signing of this document, lets reflect on the price our founding fathers paid to ensure our liberties. Let us also remember that compromise is a subtle way for us to also lose these liberties that were won at such a high price. Our nation has already compromised much. Let's do what we can to ensure that our liberties, bought at such a high price by our ancestors, remain intact.
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