Quote for the Week

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July

I can't believe the year is half over. I had good intentions of keeping up with a blog but as you all know, life can get in the way. I'll try and do better the rest of the year! I have some new jewelry pieces that I will post as soon as I get the photos taken. In the mean time, I have a few things to say about today, the celebration of the birth of our nation. Every year, I make a point of watching the movie 1776. When I was in Jr. High, my two oldest brothers and their wives took me with them to see this and I still love this movie. Those of you that don't like musicals probably wouldn't like it, but I happen to love them. If you see this posting in time, it is coming on TCM at 11:30 this morning. It's about how the Declaration of Independence came about. One little excerpt I thought was interesting is the following. The declaration has just been written and is being reviewed (picked apart) by the Continental Congress. The following is said between Dickenson, one of the representatives from Pennsylvania and a Loyalist, Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin:

Dickenson (to Jefferson): Why do you refer to King George as a tyrant?

Jefferson: Because he is a tyrant.

Dickenson: I remind you, Mr Jefferson, that this tyrant is still your king.

Jefferson: When a king becomes a tyrant, he breaks the contract binding his subjects to him.

Dickenson: How so?

Jefferson: By taking away their rights.

Dickenson: Rights that came from him in the first place?

Jefferson: All except one. The right to be free comes from nature.

Dickenson: And are we not free, Mr. Jefferson?

Jefferson: Homes entered without warrant, citizens arrested without charge, and in many places, free assembly itself denied.

Dickenson: No one approves of such things, but these are dangerous times.

Jefferson: Those who give up some of their liberty in order to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty, nor safety.

With this day being a celebration of the signing of this document, lets reflect on the price our founding fathers paid to ensure our liberties. Let us also remember that compromise is a subtle way for us to also lose these liberties that were won at such a high price. Our nation has already compromised much. Let's do what we can to ensure that our liberties, bought at such a high price by our ancestors, remain intact.

Monday, February 15, 2010

New recipe

I came home from work today and decided to make some chocolate chocolate chip muffins. I had some mini chips in the fridge I wanted to use. I got the recipe off of some website, I don't know I just googled what I wanted! The recipe is from Nigela Lawson. Of course, I picked hers because of her last name! Here it is:

1 3/4 cups flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
3/4 cups superfine sugar
3/4 cup chocolate chips plus another 1/4 cup to sprinkle on top
1 cup milk
1/3 cup plus 2 tsp vegetable oil
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla

Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes

They're pretty tasty, if I do say so myself. They're also good (if you like coffee) to add a couple of teaspoons of cappucino powder to it.

I'm excited that tomorrow I paid for my Etsy shop to be featured on the jewelry site, under necklaces. Hopefully it will generate some business!

My cat, Dobie is trying so hard to help me type, I'd better give him some attention...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

Well, I've worked all day and came home to work more. Last night I made Cherry Chip cupcakes and took to work. Partly because it was Valentine's day and partly from thinking of my brother, Ken, as it was his favorite cake. I added a couple more items to my Etsy store and updated some stuff on the website. I finally finished a knitted and beaded purse I was working on. I'm fading fast, so to bed. Watching Olympics, some great couples figures skating tonight.

Monday, February 1, 2010

More listings...

Well, I got a few more items listed on Etsy, as well as finally finding an open day to feature the store. Then I took a peek at Facebook and found a new posting from Dollybelle's peepshow, a blog I was introduced to by Nancy at Guilding the Lily. What a fun blog! Check it out on my blog links. I can only dream of being able to figure out how to have such a blog! Someday before I die, I hope!

It seems just getting pictures taken and posted takes so much time. I've had Turner Classic Movies on all evening while working. I love old movies and this month is their 'Oscar's' month of movies. I caught the tail end of 'The Way We Were', saw 'Funny Girl', 'Lawrence of Arabia' is on right now. 'Becket' is on next but I'm pretty certain it will be watching me instead of me watching it!